ClickBank University Course 2.0 Honest Review

ClickBank University is an online training course where new and old entrepreneurs, vendors and affiliate marketers are trained on how to create digital and physical products to sell online and make money. You can also learn how to market other people’s products through affiliate marketing.

One of the strongest points about CB University is that it covers both affiliate marketing and product creation. This is definitely an improvement on the earlier version which only covered product creation. 

Clickbank University 2.0 Version: With the 2.0 version, you have more flexibility. Generally, beginners will find it easier to start off as an affiliate, and as their knowledge and experience gets better, they’ll be able to take on the more daunting challenge of becoming a product vendor.

CB University Training Materials
The training itself is detailed with notes, videos and over-the-shoulder instructions. The methods are clearly explained in a step-by-step manner and even the greenest beginner will be able to follow along without difficulty
Matt Hulett, Adam Horwitz, Justin Atlan Of CBU
The people behind CB University 2.0 (Matt Hulett, Adam Horwitz, Justin Atlan) are all accomplished marketers in their own right. They are NOT fly-by-night scammers who will take your money and run. This is crucial when choosing to spend money on any ‘make money online’ course.

CBU Training For Vendors

The training is simple to follow, but is extremely in depth. The training for becoming a vendor on ClickBank is broken down into 12 weeks:

  • Week 1 — How It Works 
  • Week 2 — Finding Your Perfect Product 
  • Week 3 — Creating Your Avatar 
  • Week 4 — Creating Your Product 
  • Week 5 — Creating your Perfect Upsell 
  • Week 6 — Sales Copy & Conversion Maximizing 
  • Week 7 — The Easy Video Sales Letter 
  • Week 8 — Finalizing your Product 
  • Week 9 — Getting onto ClickBank 
  • Week 10 — Attracting & Managing JV Relationships 
  • Week 11 — Split Testing 
  • Week 12 — Scaling your Success 
Bonus: Selling High Ticket Products on Webinars.

Just like any online course, you’ll need to study and apply what is taught. Information is useful, but action is the foundational key to all success. The problem is that most newbies hesitate to act on the information. You must overcome this mental obstacle to see success. CB University is not a winning lottery ticket. You must do the work.

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Clickbank University Training For Affiliates

The training for ClickBank affiliates is spread out over 8 weeks: 

  • Week 1 — Affiliate Marketing on ClickBank 
  • Week 2 — Understanding Affiliate Marketing 
  • Week 3 — Finding Your Passion 
  • Week 4 — The Ultimate Affiliate Funnel 
  • Week 5 — Free, Free, Free: Always Over Deliver 
  • Week 6 — Writing the Perfect Swipe 
  • Week 7 — The Email Blueprint 
  • Week 8 — Scaling and Expanding. Bonus: Running Affiliate Promotions

So, you’re going to be busy with this training for quite a while. Ideally, it’s best to choose one method and go all out with it. Most beginners would do well to start off with affiliate marketing.

The product comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. So, you have 2 months to give ClickBank University 2.0 training a test run. Once you join, you’ll probably stick around for a long time because it has that much value.

The amount of information in CB University can be overwhelming to a beginner and may make him see the process as being difficult. The best way to get around this problem will be to focus on just being an affiliate, instead of a vendor. Once you’ve learned the ropes and are generating affiliate commissions, you’ll be more confident to take the leap and become a product vendor.

ClickBank University Course 2.0

CBU Membership Fee

The membership is a recurring fee. A beginner who is strapped for cash may find that the monthly fee is a burden. The fee gets much higher if you choose the upgrade (Builder 2.0).

Clickbank University Students Forum

ClickBank University program has a forum for you to hang out with your peers and ask questions and mingle with other fellow marketers. It’s an active community that’s supportive and you’ll learn a lot from there.

CBU Online Course

This online course beats buying some eBook from some unknown marketer and being left to your own devices to figure it out, while the marketer has taken your money and run off.


The courses are extremely beneficial to a wider digital audience, among whom are affiliate newbies, intermediate affiliates, work from home job seekers, students looking for part-time online jobs, affiliate program tutors, affiliate marketers, editors, digital market analysts and reviewers, online products vendors, digital products marketers, eCommerce owners, local and international online business owners, digital agency owners, entrepreneur, online business developers, freelancers, and a lot more.

Is the training worth the effort?

  • A resounding YES! This is one of the best online marketing courses on the planet and it’s the benchmark when it comes to ClickBank training. The fact that it covers both affiliate marketing and how to be a vendor in the ClickBank marketplace makes this a truly well-rounded training program. 
  • With thousands of students and many success stories, the product delivers what it says beyond a shadow of a doubt. If you wish to make a decent side income, this course is for you. If you wish to make income that will allow you to quit your day job and have location independence and freedom, CB University training will help you get there. 
  • The training is online; simply broken down into 12 weeks for easy assimilation. ClickBank is an online marketplace for digital products and services. It is obvious that Click Bank has helped many vendors and affiliates to generate passive incomes. 
  • Many of the newbies network marketers who want to make money through ClickBank, Amazon, eBay, Worrior Plus and others will find CB University courses very attractive, useful and rewarding. 

Clickbank University Program Toolkits

The program is also equipped with very useful toolkits that you’ll use over and over in your business. Basically, it’s a set of tools and online video training that covers some of the tech stuff that most beginners struggle with. Here’s a list of some of the tools:

  • Camtasia Alternative: A Powersoft for Screen Recording 
  • Creating a Sales Presentation with PowerPoint 
  • Demographic Research with Google and Twitter Design Banners, Posts, and Giveaways with Canva 
  • Enhance Your Social Media Activity with Hootsuite 
  • Increasing Conversions with Optimonk 
  • Introduction to Tools 
  • Outsourcing with UpWork 
  • Recording Your Sales Video with Camtasia 
  • Sending Broadcasts and Automating with AWeber 
  • Setting Up Your Funnel with CB Builder 
  • Setting Up a Custom Domain with GoDaddy 
  • Split Testing with Visual Website Optimizer 
  • Video Editing with Camtasia

ClickBank University Q & A Sessions

There are live Q & A sessions for members where more training is provided. For those who are unable to attend, you can always catch up on these sessions which are recorded and uploaded in the members area. The value in these sessions more than make up for the monthly fee.

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